Goal Setting! | Qxplore Group

Setting goalsSpring is a great time of year to take stock of our lives. With more sunshine and warmer weather we often have more energy and we are ready to tackle some outstanding goals or formulate new ones. Goal setting is not an inborn skill, but rather one that requires practice and development in order to maximize our chance of succeeding.

Sometimes the process of setting goals can be an emotional one. You may experience depression, hopelessness, or become overwhelmed by the thought of trying to set goals. Trained counselors and psychotherapists can help you work through these feelings and proceed with your goal setting process. They can assist you with developing goals that you like and want, and which are realistic for you.

If you find that you have not accomplished some of your goals, refrain from criticizing yourself or viewing yourself as a failure. Acknowledge that you have not achieved your goal, and decide whether or not you want to set the goal again for yourself, or whether you want to let it go. Goal setting can be a flexible process; setting goals does not mean that you are stuck with them forever.